Visiting talk
2018.05.15,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou
Nested Tensor Network Method and Its Applications (May 15)The 2nd International Workshop on Critical Behavior in Lattice Models (CBLM2018)
April 5-7, 2018, Anqing, Anhui
Nested Tensor Network Method and its applications (April 6)RUC seminar
2018.03.25,RUC, Beijing
Nested Tensor Network Method and its applications to 2D quantum lattice models (October 20)中国物理学会2017年秋季学术会议
Nested Tensor Network Method and its applications to Kagome spin liquid (September 9)
APCTP workshop on tensor network states
August 28-31, 2017, Hongik University, Seoul
Tensor Renormalization Group: Method and Its Applications (August 30)
Visiting talk
2017.06.07, QFU, Qufu
Tensor Renormalization Group: Basics and Recent Development (July 7)
Mini-workshop on simulation of interacting quantum many-body systems
May 18-19, 2017, USTC, Heifei
Application of Tensor Renormalization in the spin-1/2 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model on Kagome lattice (May 19)
The 10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10)
Jan 16-20, Macau University, Macau
Application of Tensor Renormalization in the spin-1/2 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model on Kagome lattice (Jan 20)
The 4th workshop on Tensor Network States: Algorithm and Applications (TNSAA)
December 12-15, 2016, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu
A tutorial talk on Higher-Order Tensor Renormalization Group and Projected Entangled Simplex State (December 15)
Visiting talk
2016.10.28, BIT, Beijing
Tensor Renormalization Group methods and their applications: Recent development (October 28)
2016.10.14-16, SHJU, Shanghai
Projected Entangled Simplex State and its applications in quantum frustrated systems (October 15)
International summer school on computational approaches for quantum many body systems
2016.08.01-08.21, UCAS, Beijing
Coarse-graining Tensor Renormalization: Network summation/contraction
2016.07.29, LZU, Lanzhou
Second Renormalization Group (SRG) and some related
2016.07.20-22, NJU, Nanjing
Second Renormalization Group (SRG) and some related
International Workshop on Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Problems (TNQMP2016)
June 27-July 15, 2016, ISSP, Kashiwa (Japan)
Second Renormalization Group (SRG) method and its applications (June 27)
2016.06.05-07,LZU, Lanzhou
Projected Entangled Simplex State and its applications in quantum frustrated systems (June 2)
The 6th Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Computation
April 21-24, 2016, CSRC, Beijing
Some recent applications of coarse-graining tensor renormalization group (April 24)
ITP seminar
2011.10.20,ITP, Beijing
New Scheme on Tensor Renormalization Group Method (October 20)ITP seminar
2010.12.17,ITP, Beijing
Second Renormalization Group Method of Tensor-network States (December 17)第十六届全国凝聚态理论与统计物理学术会议
Second Renormalization of Tensor-network States (August 22)
Co-organized workshops:
Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA2018),
Jan. 28-31, 2018, IOP, Beijing