
n English Journals:

  1. Susceptibility indicator for chral topological orders emergent from correlated fermions
    Rui Wang, Tao Yang, Z. Y. Xie, Baigeng Wang, X. C. Xie
    Phys. Rev. B 109, L241113 (2024), Letter, arXiv:2308.09241

  2. The Green's function Monte Carlo combined with projected entangled pair state approach to the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model
    He-Yu Lin, Yibin Guo, Rong-Qiang He, Z. Y. Xie, Zhong-Yi Lu
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 235133 (2024) arXiv:2406.12207

  3. First-order transition between the plaquette valence bond solid and antiferromagnetic phases of the Shastry-Sutherland model
    Ning Xi, Hongyu Chen, Z. Y. Xie, Rong Yu
    Phys. Rev. B 107, L220408 (2023), Letter, arXiv:2111.07368

  4. Efficient calculation of three-dimensional tensor networks
    Li-Ping Yang, Y. F. Fu, Z. Y. Xie, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 107, 165127 (2023)arXiv:2210.09896

  5. Exploring quantum phase transitions by the cross derivative of the ground state energy
    H. Y. Wu, Yu-Chin Tzeng, Z. Y. Xie, K. Ji, J. F. Yu
    New J. Phys. 25, 043006 (2023)arXiv:2210.08250

  6. High-temperature ferromagnetism and strong π-conjugation feature in two-dimensional manganese tetranitride
    Ming Yan, Z. Y. Xie, Miao Gao
    Chin. Phys. B 32, 037104 (2023), arXiv:2211.14772

  7. Long-range spin-orbital order in the spin-orbital SU(2)×SU(2)×U(1) model
    Yang Liu, Z. Y. Xie, Hong-Gang Luo, Jize Zhao
    Phys. Rev. B 107, L041106 (2023), LetterarXiv:2211.06852

  8. Exploring explicit coarse-grained structure in artificial neural networks
    Xi-Ci Yang, Z. Y. Xie, Xiao-Tao Yang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 40, 020501 (2023)arXiv:2211.01779

  9. Emergent topological orders and phase transitions in lattice Chern-Simons theory of quantum magnets
    Rui Wang, Z. Y. Xie, Baigeng Wang, Tigran Sedrakyan
    Phys. Rev. B 106, L121117 (2022), Letter; arXiv:2101.04864

  10. Magnetization of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice
    Qian Li, Hong Li, Jize Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo, Z. Y. Xie
    Phys. Rev. B 105, 184418 (2022); arXiv:2009.03765

  11. Two-dimensional binary transition metal nitride MN4 (M=V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) with a graphenelike structure and strong magnetic properties
    Shuo Zhang, Panjun Feng, Dapeng Liu, Hongfen Wu, Miao Gao, Tongshuai Xu, Z. Y. Xie, and Xun-Wang Yan
    Phys. Rev. B 106, 235402 (2022); arXiv:2204.13551

  12. Interlayer Coupling Induced Sharp Increase of the Curie Temperature in a Two-Dimensional MnSn Multilayer
    Panjun Feng, Xiaohui Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan, Z. Y. Xie
    ACS Omega 7, 43316 (2022); arXiv:2203.17126

  13. Variational corner transfer matrix renormalization group method for classical statistical models
    X. F. Liu, Y. F. Fu, W. Q. Yu, J. F. Yu, Z. Y. Xie
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 067502 (2022), Express Letter, Cover Article; arXiv:2203.17098

  14. Prediction of single-atom-thick transition metal nitride CrN4 with a square-planar network and high-temperature ferromagnetism
    Dapeng Liu, Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan, Z. Y. Xie
    Phys. Rev. B 106, 125421 (2022); arXiv:2203.05361

  15. Achieving High-Temperature Ferromagnetism by Means of Magnetic Ion Dimerization in the Graphene-like Mn2N6C6 Monolayer
    Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan, Z. Y. Xie
    J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 10139 (2022), Back Cover Article; arXiv:2203.01775

  16. Neural network training method for materials science based on multi‑source databases
    Jialong Guo, Ziyi Chen, Zhiwei Liu, Xianwei Li, Z. Y. Xie, Zongguo Wang, Yangang Wang
    Sci. Rep. 12, 15326 (2022)

  17. Robust ferromagnetism in single-atom-thick ternary chromium carbonitride CrN4C2
    D. Liu, S. Zhang, M. Gao, X. W. Yan, Z. Y. Xie
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 223104 (2021);

  18. Critical properties of the two-dimensional q-state clock model
    Z. Q. Li, L. P. Yang, Z. Y. Xie, H. H. Tu, H. J. Liao, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. E 101, 060105(R) (2020), Rapid Communications; arXiv:1912.11416

  19. Automatic differentiation for second renormalization of tensor networks
    B. B. Chen, Y. Gao, Y. B. Guo, Y. Liu, H. H. Zhao, H. J. Liao, L. Wang, T. Xiang, W. Li, Z. Y. Xie
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 220409(R) (2020), Rapid Communications; arXiv:1912.02780

  20. Cross derivative of the Gibbs free energy: A universal and efficient method for phase transitions in classical spin models
    Y. Chen, K. Ji, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 165123 (2020); arXiv:1909.08667

  21. Compressing deep neural networks by matrix product operators
    Z. F. Gao, S. Cheng, R. Q. He, Z. Y. Xie, H. H. Zhao, Z. Y. Lu, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023300 (2020); arXiv:1904.06194

  22. Phase transitions of the five-state clock model on the square lattice
    Y. Chen, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu
    Chin. Phys. B 27, 080503 (2018); arXiv:1804.05532

  23. Reorthonormalization of Chebyshev matrix product states for dynamical correlation functions
    H. D. Xie, R. Z. Huang, X. J. Han, X. Yan, H. H. Zhao, Z. Y. Xie, H. J. Liao, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 97, 075111 (2018); arXiv:1711.09207

  24. Generalized Lanczos method for systematic optimization of tensor network states
    Rui-Zhen Huang, Hai-Jun Liao, Zhi-Yuan Liu, Hai-Dong Xie, Z. Y. Xie, Hui-Hai Zhao, Jing Chen, Tao Xiang
    Chin. Phys. B 27, 070501 (2018); arXiv:1611.09574

  25. Optimized contraction scheme for tensor-network states
    Z. Y. Xie, H. J. Liao, R. Z. Huang, H. D. Xie, J. Chen, Z. Y. Liu, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B. 96, 045128 (2017); arXiv:1705.08577

  26. Gapless spin-liquid ground state in the S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet
    H. J. Liao, Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, Z. Y. Liu, H. D. Xie, R. Z. Huang, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 137202 (2017), Editors' Suggestion; arXiv:1610.04727

  27. Phase transition of the q-state clock model: duality and tensor renormalization
    Jing Chen, Hai-Jun Liao, Hai-Dong Xie, Xing-Jie Han, Rui-Zhen Huang, Song Cheng, Zhong-Chao Wei, Z. Y. Xie, Tao Xiang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 050503 (2017); arXiv:1706.03455

  28. Self-consistent spin-wave analysis of the 1/3 magnetization plateau in the kagome antiferromagnet
    Zhong-Chao Wei, Hai-Jun Liao, Jing Chen, Hai-Dong Xie, Zhi-Yuan Liu, Z. Y. Xie, Wei Li, Bruce Normand, Tao Xiang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 33, 077503 (2016); arXiv:1606.06924

  29. Charge dynamics of the antiferromagnetically ordered Mott insulator
    X. J. Han, Y. Liu, Z. Y. Liu, X. Li, J. Chen, H. J. Liao, Z. Y. Xie, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    New J. Phys. 18, 103004 (2016); arXiv:1602.01276

  30. Tensor network algorithm by coarse-graining tensor renormalization on finite periodic lattices
    Hui-Hai Zhao, Z. Y. Xie, Tao Xiang, Masatoshi Imada
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 125115 (2016); arXiv:1510.03333

  31. Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Husimi lattice
    H. J. Liao, Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, X. J. Han, H. D. Xie, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 075154 (2016); arXiv:1510.08655

  32. Fine structure of the entanglement entropy in the O(2) model
    Li-Ping Yang, Yuzhi Liu, Haiyuan Zou, Z. Y. Xie, Y. Meurice
    Phys. Rev. E 93, 012138 (2016); arXiv:1507.01471

  33. Tensor Renormalization Group Study of the General Spin-S Blume–Capel Model
    Li-Ping Yang, Z. Y. Xie
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 85, 104602 (2016); arXiv:1204.5027

  34. Ground State Degeneracy of Interacting Spinless Fermions
    Zhong-Chao Wei, Xing-Jie Han, Z. Y. Xie, Tao Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 161105(R) (2015), Rapid Communications; arXiv:1412.1578

  35. Partial long-range order in antiferromagnetic Potts models
    M. P. Qin, Q. N. Chen, Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, J. F. Yu, H. H. Zhao, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 144424 (2014); arXiv:1410.6507

  36. Phase Transitions of Ferromagnetic Potts Models on the Simple Cubic Lattice
    S. Wang, Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 070503 (2014); arXiv:1405.1179

  37. Progress towards quantum simulating the classical O(2) model
    Haiyuan Zou, Yuzhi Liu, Chen-Yen Lai, J. Unmuth-Yockey, Li-Ping Yang, A. Bazavov, Z. Y. Xie, T. Xiang, S. Chandrasekharan, S. -W. Tsai, Y. Meurice
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 063603 (2014); arXiv:1403.5238

  38. Controlling sign problems in spin models using tensor renormalization
    Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M. P. Qin, T. Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou
    Phys. Rev. D 89, 016008 (2014); arXiv:1309.6623

  39. Tensor renormalization group study of classical XY model on the square lattice
    J. F. Yu, Z. Y. Xie, Y. Meurice, Yuzhi Liu, A. Denbleyker, Haiyuan Zou, M. P. Qin, J. Chen, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. E 89, 013308 (2014); arXiv:1309.4963

  40. Exact blocking formulas for spin and gauge models
    Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M. P. Qin, J. Unmuth-Yockey, T. Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou
    Phys. Rev. D 88, 056005 (2013); arXiv:1307.6543

  41. Tensor renormalization of quantum many-body systems using projected entangled simplex states
    Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, J. F. Yu, X. Kong, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. X 4, 011025 (2014); arXiv:1307.5696

  42. Partial order in Potts models on the generalized decorated square lattice
    M. P. Qin, J. Chen, Q. N. Chen, Z. Y. Xie, X. Kong, H. H. Zhao, B. Normand, T. Xiang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 076402 (2013); arXiv:1304.7146

  43. Coarse-graining renormalization by higher-order singular value decomposition
    Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, M. P. Qin, J. W. Zhu, L. P. Yang, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 86, 045139 (2012); arXiv:1201.1144

  44. Translation invariant tensor product states in a finite lattice system
    J. W. Cai, Q. N. Chen, H. H. Zhao, Z. Y. Xie, M. P. Qin, Z. C. Wei, T. Xiang
    Chin. Phys. B 20, 117501 (2011); arXiv:1011.2060

  45. Investigation of the Potts Model on Triangular Lattices by the Second Renormalization of Tensor Network States
    M. X. Wang, J. W. Cai, Z. Y. Xie, Q. N. Chen, H. H. Zhao, Z. C. Wei
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 076402 (2010)

  46. Renormalization of tensor-network states
    H. H. Zhao, Z. Y. Xie, Q. N. Chen, Z. C. Wei, J. W. Cai, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. B 81, 174411 (2010), Editors' Suggestion; arXiv:1002.1405

  47. Second Renormalization of Tensor-Network States
    Z. Y. Xie, H. C. Jiang, Q. N. Chen, Z. Y. Weng, T. Xiang
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 160601 (2009); arXiv:0809.0182

nInvited Reviews in Chinese:

  1. Tensor networks and neural networks: applications and interplays in physics (张量网络与神经网络在物理学中的应用和交融) Jing Zhang, Z. Y. Xie

  2. Tensor renormalization group method and its applications (张量重正化群方法及其应用) Hong-Hao Yue, Z. Y. Xie

n Proceedings:

  1. Enabling Lightweight Fine-tuning for Pre-trained Language Model Compression based on Matrix Product Operators
    Peiyu Liu, Ze-Feng Gao, Wayne Xin Zhao, Z. Y. Xie, Zhong-Yi Lu, Ji-Rong Wen
    ACL (2021); arXiv:2106.02205

  2. Approaching conformality with the Tensor Renormalization Group method
    Yannick Meurice, Li-Ping Yang, Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Yuzhi Liu, James Osborn, Z. Y. Xie, Haiyuan Zou
    PoS (LATTICE 2015); arXiv:1512.01125

  3. Comparing Tensor Renormalization Group and Monte Carlo calculations for spin and gauge models
    Yannick Meurice, Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Tao Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, Ji-Feng Yu, Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Haiyuan Zou
    PoS (LATTICE 2013); arXiv:1311.4826